Before & After your Visit

 Before your Appointment
  • Arrive about 15 minutes early to your appointment to fill out paperwork (or you can request for it to be sent to you via email and come in with it pre-filled out) 
  • Stop all use of alcohol, caffeine (tea & decaf included!), and blood thinning medications 48 hours before your appointment. All of these may alter your brow result.
  • Avoid sun & tanning for two weeks prior to your appointment.
  • Do not work out 48 hours prior to your appointment.
  • Avoid Aspirin, Niacin, Vitamin E, Nutritional  Shakes, Biotin at least 48 hours prior to your appointment.
  • Avoid retin-a products, chemical peels, AHA's, microdermabrasions (silk peels), or "brightening" skin care for at least 4 weeks prior to your appointment.
  • Avoid botox & filler on the forehead, temples, and eye area at least 2 weeks prior to your appointment.
  • Come in with your brows shaped! 
  • Please Note: You will be more sensitive and may feel more pain during your menstrual cycle. 

After your Appointment
  • Keep the brow area clean & bacteria free by using an anti-bacterial soap (think Dial soap) daily, morning & night. This is ESSENTIAL & will prevent any infection from happening! 
  • After washing, pat brows completely dry with a paper towel & apply an anti-bacterial healing ointment (think Aquaphor; a rice sized amount is adequate). Make sure to do these two steps daily, morning and night!
  • DO NOT pick, rub, or scratch the treated area. Your brows may scab over and itch, this is totally normal and they should be left alone during this process. Let any scabbing skin fall off naturally. 
  • Avoid pools, saunas, & extremely hot showers for 10 days after treatment. 
  • Avoid activities that make you sweat for 10 days after treatment.
  • NO makeup or skincare should be used on the treated area for 10 days after treatment.
  • Please Note: Your eyebrows may appear dark for the first few days following treatment, they may also lighten up to 90%. Both of these are totally normal and are due to the skins natural healing process. True color will appear 4 weeks after treatment. 
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